
Negative parts are a powerful tool in model slicing design that allow you to create holes, grooves, or missing parts on the surface or inside of a model, thereby preventing these areas from being filled or printed. In simple terms, adding...
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3D printers have a limited size, but that doesn't necessarily mean you can't produce bigger items. If one print is not sufficient, you can glue multiple pieces together. There are some sound ways of joining 3D printed parts - you...
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Master the methods of creating custom filaments, new processes, and exporting/importing preset files in QIDI Studio through this tutorial.

Siit saate teada, mis teeb 3D-prinditud liigenddraakonid nii eriliseks, millist printerit ja materjale kasutada, kust mudeleid hankida ning kuidas printerit ja järeltöötlust seadistada.

Selles juhendis kirjeldatakse algajatele olulisi prindisätteid, nagu kihi kõrgus, printimiskiirus ja temperatuur. Demüstifitseerige ka peamised terminoloogiad, mis aitavad teil professionaalina printimist alustada.